An overwhelming majority of workers (94%) said it is very or somewhat important to them that their workplace be a place where they feel they belong. Moreover, these feelings were more prevalent among workers with household incomes of less than $50,000 (31%) compared with those with household incomes of $50K–$124.9K (24%). Encouragingly, 89% of respondents said they are very or somewhat satisfied with their relationships with their coworkers, and 86% indicated they are very or somewhat satisfied with their relationships with their managers or supervisors.

Delineating a significant majority, this statistic portrays a severe scenario within the tech industry and remote work environment. The statistic punctuates the blog post on Remote Work Burnout Statistics, thereby highlighting the urgency and necessity for implementing successful counter-strategies. It begs for immediate attention to the pressing issues of work-life balance, employee welfare, and strategic planning. Far from being an abstract number, these digits are the resonating chorus of a workforce desperately in need of an intervention for potential burnouts.

Most Common Symptoms of Burnout

On average, employees have reported working three more hours per day since working remotely due to Covid-19. Though critical to surviving the crisis, these measures are taking a toll on employees, particularly women, people of color, and those with caregiving responsibilities. Indeed, burnout — defined as “chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed” — is at an all-time high. While the advantage of working remotely is that you can set your own environment to what makes you feel comfortable, it can also lead to stress and eventually burnout.

remote work burnout statistics

In an increasingly digital world where work from home is becoming the norm rather than the exception, this statistic serves as a sobering reminder of the hidden cost of convenience. It’s much like the silent undertow beneath seemingly calm waters, unnoticeable until it grips you. By its very nature, remote work blurs the boundaries between work and personal life, causing many remote employees to inadvertently overstep their professional sphere into their downtime. An uninterrupted cycle of work that fosters fatigue and stress, subsequently culminating in burnout. Undeniably, this statistic paints a vivid image of the lurking hazards in the dynamic world of remote work culture, serving as an imperative addition to any discourse on remote work burnout.

The Most Common Causes of Remote Work Burnout

In order to reduce turnover, costs incurred for recruiting and training new employees, additional healthcare costs, and a general loss of profit, companies should start addressing the issues and concerns regarding remote work burnout. The jury is still out regarding the degree to which burnout affects these two categories of remote workers or why it seems like remote workers are more liable to experience burnout. Even though remote workers most commonly report they are working more, almost half report feeling more energized than they did a year ago. Interestingly, in our 2020 State of Remote Work, collaboration and communication were a top challenge. This is been decreasing each year, which may be a signal that companies have found effective solutions for this.

Employers and employees need to work together to maximize the benefits while effectively addressing the challenges to create a healthy and productive remote work environment. Burnout syndrome was first coined in the 1970s to refer to workers feeling exhausted by their jobs and it has since become part of the American vernacular. There are also no long-term remote work fatigue longitudinal studies of burnout so it’s tough to say if anyone anywhere had it worse. However, as the studies above show, Americans are having a bad time of it now, and that’s cause enough for alarm. While stress is prevalent in any workplace, for remote workers, this is usually exasperated due to the lack of a structured working environment.

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